Friday, January 9, 2009

As My heart sinks.

Today was surprisingly a good day until I got bad news...

I woke up early but felt congested, I'm catching a cold I believe I don't know but either way it sucks my piercings are all freaking out I pushed a whole bunch of fluid out of one of my anchors and then took some emergen-C and I feel a little better. I went to work things were hoppin lots of business and decent tips not good not great but decent.

I'm closing out my till and one of my boss's shows up with our new schedule. Not only have I been scheduled for only 4 days a week which hasn't gotten me by, I'm far behind in all my bills and struggling to pay the rent. I have no-where else to go that I can afford and can't seem to find a roommate to live in a more affordable living situation. Now while I'm stressing about everything else because I fucked up at work almost costing me my job, now I'm losing a day of work...So I work 3 days a week. Two 8 hour shifts and a 12 hour shift which isn't gonna make my life any easier. My financial aid has been suspended and now I'm waiting for that to be reinstated hoping that it does get reinstated. My taxes as usual will continue like every other year to go towards bills. I'm freaking out and need to find a cheaper place to live, maybe a part time job, and someone to buy a bunch of my shit.


Of course this would happen when I can't drink...I can't just mellow out sit back have a brew and analyze the situation instead I'll sit here and fight the tears and the scream...Don't forget the urge to break everything that surrounds me.

I don't understand how I do this to myself. I have 2 credit cards that I'm debt about 2 grand a piece...My car payment is going to be 2 months behind, my car insurance is about 2 months behind and I have a speeding ticket that needs to be paid as well as a parking ticket. This sucks entirely to much...Fuck my Life!!!!

Anybody wanna donate to my cause? I figure if I can get 10,000 people to donate a dollar I can get back on my feet and carry out everything else...HAHAHA I wish...Oh well...


  1. Remember, everyone is having a hard time right now. Call and try to work out payment plans and let them know your situation. Some are complete jerks, but most are much more flexible if you keep them in the loop. Also, I'm not sure if you are interested in another job, but there are still lots of companies hiring. They are just harder to find. I know most are getting a job by turning in apps when they aren't hiring, then when they lose someone, they've already got your app. I'm sure you know about all of this, but hang in there. Its gotta get better at some point, right?

  2. Yeah I think I'm gonna talk to a debt consolidator because the guy I'm dealing with over one of the cards is calling and telling me that I'm a horrible person for putting my grandmother through the phone calls but I haven't heard from him since the last message I left for him...I'm just financially screwed and don't have money to give them I messed that one up good. I plan on hitting the streets here soon so that I can possibly find some part time work either way I'll be filling out a lot of applications hahaha and thanks for your advice It is appreciated your like family and it's good to hear advice...I've got mom and you giving me advice and I do appreciate it! <3

  3. Did you know that you legally have the right to tell them to only contact you by mail? They will make you feel like shit and pester you until you feel the size of an insect, but as soon as you ask them not to contact you by phone, the calls have to stop. Actually, if you ask them verbally, it will stop for 30 days, which buys you time to send the request to them in writing...then it will be permanent.
    Can you tell we've been behind (waaay behind) a few times (ok, more than a few)?

  4. It's funny you say that because they stopped calling me after I left them a voice mail verbally telling the guy to stop calling my grandparents house or they were planning on getting an attorney because I never gave them my grandparents number or anything. I'll have to do that though it would be a lot less stressful...I just sucks that I got myself into this situation. I feel like I knew better but I guess I didn't maybe it's a mistake I was meant to make but who knows hahaha
