Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Act 1, Scene 6

So Last night I didn't make a post, went and enjoyed some dinner with friends and then kidnapped Joe Me and Crozz felt like he might have needed a friend and well I had some "Specialty" baked goods = ). I only engage is this illegal activity on occasion and last night was pretty mellow and it was good times with good friend/band mates

So not much is going on as of lately but I did find out my car insurance is about to be canceled if I don't fork over some money to them soon, like $800 in monies...As much as I hate to say it, I'm fucked on that one unless I get my financial aid reinstated. It's funny to me though that I've saving money quite well and yet it's still no-where to be found.

Bills I still have to pay
-Rent $325
-Car payment for this month $250
-Car payment for last month $250
-Insurance from last month and this month and apparently the month before that? $810
-Speeding ticket payment $50
-Parking ticket $30
-Of course my credit cards but thats not happening! $4000

I've stopped drinking that should be saving money, I've been eating out a lot less, I've been staying at home so I'm not using much gas my last tank lasted me over 2 weeks and I still had an eighth of a tank left. BUT WHERE IN THE FUCK IS ALL THIS MONEY THAT I'M SAVING AT? I mean seriously what the fuck.

I can't afford to lose my insurance, nor my car, nor my place to live. I guess it kills me that even when I clean up my act things don't get any easier. Not only is all this happening but it's happening on top of me losing a day at work. I haven't come across any part time jobs that I could work with my schedule. Oh it's get better too I'm having a hard time visually focusing on anything lately because I still haven't had money to go to an eye doctor. I have glasses that I wear but they give me a headache and make my eyes hurt after a certain amount of time and so I don't wear them as often as I should. Even though I have full health insurance I still don't have the $40 for an eye exam and new glasses it's fucking retarded.

Today because of everything I just kind of hung out I figured if I stuck around and did nothing maybe I'd feel a little better, but I got sick of that and went to visit my grandma who just started chemo, and just had surgery for the cancer last week. Then I met up with Robyn for lunch and came home and played scategories with Leif, Amanda, and Justine.

I'm beginning to wish I was just out and about at the bars. I just don't think it's a good idea yet though = /.

Oh and I've spent a lot of time stairing at lines of paper because of my art class and it's rediculous how much it's actually helping my art skills...Weird right?

Thats my bitching for the evening. Time to stair at curve lines to express motion in art!


  1. I know we live in a world of "Instant Gratification" but you have to be patient my friend. You need to stick to your guns and not worry so much.

    Keep on the straight and things will start working out. You'll be thinking more clearly and keeping your money in your pocket or the bank.

    Just remember that I love you and I'm the only one who matters. ;)

  2. I agree with the last comment. Keep it up, and be patient. Anything worthwhile is NEVER easy.
